
到美國就讀美國研究所, 向來是許多台灣學生所嚮往的, 最新的設備與技術, 從世界各地前來的優秀學生, 權威的研究機構與未來的就業機會等等都非常吸引人, 但要前往就讀美國研究所並非易事, 光是文件與檔案的準備就夠讓人摸不著頭腦了, 因此本文就來一次整理美國研究所申請需要哪些文件吧!-安晨美國英國留學推薦



  1. 1. 大學背景&GPA
    因學校與科系不同, 有些科系不但會要求總成績, 也會要求GPA必須達到一定分數, GPA滿分為4.0, 有些研究所會要求申請者至少要在3.0以上

  2. 2. 英文考試--托福TOEFL或雅思IELTS成績
    托福是美國教育測驗服務社舉辦的英語能力考試, 測驗考生的聽說讀寫四個方面的能力, 每科分數介於0-30分, 總分介於0-120分, 有效期2年
    要申請美國研究所, 托福的要求至少需要79分以上, 有些會要求100分以上
    雅思為國際認可的英語能力證明, 一樣涵蓋聽說讀寫四個項目, 成績以1-9級評分
    雖然近年來承認雅思的美國學校變多, 但並不代表每間學校都認可, 要申請研究所的同學必須先確認清楚, 你要報名的研究所是否承認雅思的成績, 別到時白忙一場

  3. 3. 學術考試分數
    除了英語方面的能力, 專業知識的技能當然也同等重要, 其中代表性的檢定考試就是GRE/GMAT, 商科或管理學科以GMAT為主, 其他學科則以GRE為主, 如果是法律相關則需要考LSAT
    普通測驗是測量考生語文, 計量和分析寫作的能力, 測驗未來學術成就成功的可能性, 語文和計量各介於130-170分之間, 總分為340分, 分析寫作則是0-6分
    學科測驗則是針對研究所的主要學科設計, 測驗學生對專業科目的了解, 共分為八種, 學生可擇一報考, 每科成績介於200-990分之間, 但每次只能報考一種學科
    一般來說, 申請者只需要具備普通測驗的成績就好了, 但如果是排名較靠前的名校, 也會要求申請者同時提出普通測驗和學科測驗的成績
    GMAT是測試商學院學生的標準化考試, 重點在測試考生在商務環境中的理解, 分析與表達能力, 並不是測驗學生所獲得的知識
    內容分為語文, 計量和分析寫作三部分, 語文和計量加總滿分為800分, 分析寫作滿分為6分, 成績有效期為5年

  4. 4. 個人相關課內外活動
    不論申請甚麼科系, 工作經驗和研究經驗都是有幫助的, 如果能與科系相關就更好
    一般來說申請理學院的學生要加強研究能力和教學經驗, 有助教, 研究助理或專案經驗都很有幫助, 此外如社團, 競賽經驗和志工活動也都是有幫助的

  5. 5. 讀書計畫, 履歷表, 推薦信, 作品集
    而除了分數上的表現, 美國大學也很重視申請者的備審資料, 重點就是要以英文用詞, 用最精簡的語句寫出最符合申請的動機, 不要過度堆砌艱深的詞彙, 重要的是內容
    學校想看的是你是否對你的學習目標與動機有足夠的了解, 以及你的履歷和能力是否適合被他們的科系所率取

  6. 6. 面試
    基本上走到面試環節, 你離錄取就只剩一步之遙了, 面試時教授也並不是想看你炫耀個人經歷, 也不需要太過緊張, 正常發揮, 精簡詳實的說明就好了




專業留學代辦推薦 - A-studio安晨留學

Studying at a graduate school in the US has always been a dream for many Taiwanese students. The latest equipment and technology, outstanding students from around the world, prestigious research institutions, and future employment opportunities are all very attractive. However, applying to a graduate school in the US is not an easy task. The preparation of documents alone can be overwhelming. Therefore, this article will provide a summary of the necessary documents for applying to a graduate school in the US.

There are six essential documents that need to be prepared:

University background and GPA

Since schools and departments are different, some departments require not only a total score but also a GPA of at least 3.0 (out of 4.0).

English proficiency test scores - TOEFL or IELTS

TOEFL is an English proficiency test conducted by the Educational Testing Service (ETS) in the US. The test assesses the four abilities of listening, speaking, reading, and writing, and each section is scored on a scale of 0-30. The total score ranges from 0-120, and the results are valid for two years. To apply to a graduate school in the US, a minimum TOEFL score of 79 is required, and some schools require a score of 100 or higher. IELTS is an internationally recognized English proficiency test, and the scores range from 1-9. Although more US schools are recognizing IELTS, not all schools accept it, so it is essential to confirm with the school you want to apply to.

Academic exam scores

In addition to English proficiency, specialized knowledge and skills are equally important. The most representative test is the GRE/GMAT. The GMAT is mainly for business or management programs, while the GRE is for other fields. Law-related fields require the LSAT. The GRE has two types of tests: general and subject tests. The general test measures language, math, and writing skills, and the total score is out of 340. The subject test is designed for specific disciplines and has eight options to choose from, and the scores range from 200-990.Generally speaking, applicants only need to have scores from the regular tests, but if they are applying to more prestigious schools, they may also be required to provide scores from subject-specific tests. The GMAT is a standardized test for business school students, focusing on testing their understanding, analysis, and expression abilities in a business environment, rather than their knowledge. The content is divided into three parts: verbal, quantitative, and analytical writing, with a total score of 800 for verbal and quantitative, and 6 for analytical writing. Scores are valid for five years.

Personal academic and extracurricular activities

Regardless of the major being applied for, work and research experience are helpful, especially if they are related to the major. Generally, students applying for science majors should strengthen their research and teaching experience, with experience as a teaching assistant, research assistant, or on a project being helpful. Additionally, experience in clubs, competitions, and volunteer work is also helpful.

Study plan, resume, letters of recommendation, and portfolio

In addition to academic performance, American universities also place great importance on applicants' application materials. The key is to use concise language and write the most suitable motivation for the application in English, rather than overloading the essay with difficult vocabulary. The school wants to see whether you have a good understanding of your learning goals and motivation, and whether your resume and abilities are suitable for their program.


Basically, once you have reached the interview stage, you are only one step away from being admitted. During the interview, the professors do not want to see you show off your personal experience, nor do they need you to be overly nervous. Simply explain things in a concise and detailed manner.


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